We all have people, animals or other things that have either crossed our lives or enriched it forever. So what better way to immortalize these people forever as colored pigments in our skin? Because that is how the person who may have passed away, or even the beloved dog, is with us forever. And can experience all adventures and experiences with its carrier. OK… I know to some that this may sound too spiritual. But for those who have lost something important, this is a wonderful way to keep their loved ones with them. I think, that’s one of the most exciting things about colored body art – this diversity. No matter what theme moves you. With a tattoo you can express it.
Etching a real portrait is a challenge for any artist. Here a lot of skill and, above all, a lot of feeling is required in order to portray the facial expression the best possible way. After all, it is our special features such as any wrinkles, scars or shadow, that shape our face. The Google Images Search can alsoreveal that real disasters can come out of this or also show several examples of what it looks like when things go wrong. That’s why you should do your research and find the right artist to tackle such a project.
This is total bullshit and I should forgiven for an inappropriate subheading. #sorrynotsorry. Back to the subject: What if you were to portray the special people, animals or family members not only as a portrait, but as superheroes? As a Star Wars character or as one of the main characters of Quentin Tarantino’s “Pulp Fiction”. Just with Grandpa’s head. Of course, this is a question of taste. But isn’t that often the case? But what pleases is beautiful. How cool would it be to combine the characteristics of that person with a superhero? In my case, it would be my Nana who raised me. She was my heroine. Modern in mind and full of power until the end. I think her face on Wonder Woman’s body would be fitting and would do justice to her wonderful manner. That would be so much better than just her date of birth and death on my arm. #nooffense
It is clear that combining the head and other body is nothing new. Google could certainly help here, too. #wink.
Here’s a slightly nicer example of how something like this can look particularly cool:
»Yodog, tattooed by Csaba«
Text: Alex Leonhardt